Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sickies and Working Blues

I've been on the computer way too long today. It started with just checking my email and getting some updates done with our homeschool support/co-op webpages and then I got into playing around with the interactive student website to add more apps, widgets and RSS feeds to make it full of fun educational info. I've been doing that most of the afternoon. It looks fantastic and I'm glad I know how to do more with the features on the website now. But it is time to get off of here. My back hurts from sitting and it's getting too warm sitting in this chair.

Dancer is sick with a cold. She caught it sometime this weekend. People really need to stay home from activities when they are sick. She could have picked something up at a handful of places since Friday. I feel bad for her, she'll have to miss dance tonight. I'm not one of those parents who takes my kid out when they are sick and exposes other people to getting sick. Dodger and I are just hoping that we don't get sick. We'll just take it one day at a time, her whole week is full of activities. I hope she doesn't have to miss too many.

I have to work tonight. Blah. We are training 4 newbies tonight. It's not going to be pretty.

I haven't gone out to the porch yet today. I think I will go shower and then go outside for just a bit. It's a beautiful day out. A little cloudy, so the sun isn't shining as brightly as it could be. But it's nice and warm out there.

The new season of the Biggest Loser starts tonight. I'm going to go set the VCR timer before I forget about it.

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