Saturday, February 24, 2007

February 24 2007

God, I see the changes you are making in my. Please continue to change me as only you can. Show me everyday how I can serve you. I praise you for all you have done for me. Thank you for your thoughtful reminders everyday for how I should live my life. Amen.

Worked tonight. Dancer slept over at mom's since they are going to Mathew's party tomorrow.

I was seeking more God-time tonight, so I started a devotional called, "Lord, only you can change me," by Kay Arthur.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

February 22 2007

Good day today.

Dodger fixed my brakes and will be fixing bars on my tires Saturday. It will be nice to dive my car without it shaking.

Sorted out a bunch of paper clutter in my room today. I can see most of my floor now. Still loving FlyLady and thank God for bringing me to the place where I was ready to do it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21 2007

"I pray that I may always seek God's help to move towards the most harmonious relations with others." - Voices of Recovery, p. 52

The house is becoming peaceful thanks to working the FlyLady method.

My alignment is really bad in my car right now. I may have to borrow the money from Dancer to get it fixed. The brakes also started acting up today. Praying that it's something that can be easily fixed.

Praise God for the positive changes in my life!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 20 2007

"My life is not made by the dreams that I dream but by the choices that I make."

"When we're involved in serving and meeting others' needs, we're imitating Jesus in thoughts and words and deeds." - Fitzhugh

Not much time to work in my Fly Zone today... ran Dancer back and forth to dance and then had to work. Dancer stayed over at dad's tonight because Dodger was at a concert.

The Fly routines are really helping me. Small, simple steps that help me to focus during my day.

February 19 2007

"Each day that we live well, we are well." - Voices of Recovery, p. 50

It was an early morning with Mya coming over (President's Day--no school). I went to bed at midnight but couldn't sleep past 6am. So I'm pooped out and in a lot of pain from work tonight.

I got grouchy when I got home because (1) Dodger had come home from work before 3pm (while we were bowling) and went to sleep on my bed, which meant that I didn't have a chance to put the sheets on the bed before work, and (2) the dishes weren't done and there were pans in the sink. I've asked that the dishes not be put in the sink so when the sink needs to be used, stuff isn't in the way.

I'm seriously going to put the FlyLady program to use but I see it's going to take some time for it to become a habit for Dodger and Dancer.

It just pissesme off that he'll bitch about the house but not do the simple things I ask to keep stuff clean. He's a bigger slob than he thinks he is.

It's 1:40am on the 20th and I'm pooped. Going to finish the OA reading for today and go to bed. My nice clean bed with my nice clean sink in the other room!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sweet Sister

Sweet sister of mine
So many shared memories
We've been to the moon and back
I love you to pieces

We're so far away
Yet you're always near in my heart

You're the only one who get me
The only one who truly cares
what crazy, wild thoughts
run through my head

You're my truest, dearest friend
Never afraid to tell me like it is
We've got history
So many shared memories
You mean the world to me

Sunday, February 4, 2007


My escape has become my prison

We came together to escape together
Now we're trying to escape from each other

(I found this snippet of a poem while going through old paper journals. I posted it here for posterity.)

February 4 2007

 My eating is the worst at night, after the day winds down, and I'm alone with my thoughts and alone with my pain. That's when the urge to binge becomes overwhelming.

The worst part is I feel totally alone in life. I really feel like no one understands me at all.

"We cannot think ourselves into good action, but we can act ourselves into good thinking." - OA

"Don't eat, no matter what -- put down the food and pick up the steps." - OA