Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Great Day with Friends

We had the best day yesterday.  I set up a get-together with the group of AP (attachment parenting) families that I know (most of us homeschoolers [all of us very eclectic or unschoolers])... one of the families isn't of homeschooling age yet... they are leaning towards it.  By the time that decision rolls around, I have a feeling that's what they'll choose. We met at the free day at the zoo.  We ate lunch then played on the play ground until everyone arrived.  Then spent some time in the zoo.

We all just had a blast.  The mom's and dad got to chat and catch up and the kids got to run and play.  I got to meet one family that I've been wanting to meet for over a year now (Morgans) and the biggest surprise was that my friend Karen and her kids came.  We haven't seen them since March.  It was so good to see her and catch up with her.  She's one of my dearest soul friends and is such a blessing to me and to this world.

We are truly blessed to have this handful of families in our lives and in this area of all places.