Tuesday, March 5, 1991

In the Dark

something is moving in the dark
I can feel it next to me
I can't see it
touch it
it's presence is surrounding me

it's dead
like the corpse I had seen
on the bed earlier that day
just there face down in the sheets

my life is like the corpse
my soul the sheets
problems to big to face
I hide in the dark

will it steal me away from the darkness
will it take me deeper in

it takes me in its arms
the blood drains from my limp body

now I must lie on the bed
face down in the sheets
for some lost soul to find me
on its journey for peace

Lost You

yes I have lost you
I have tried
to find even a thread
of hope
of love
of anything
anything that would show me you care

I have written poems
about you
for you
just you
is this my last
I don't know
I still love you

I have cried
for myself
for you
for love
I don't know why I do it
the world is so cruel to me
you are cruel to me

it sickens me
that I still think good of you
think of you
even love you

yes my dear you have taught me
and taught me well
that when the heart is

blood stains
the heart dies
and is given no more