Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well, I've neglected my blog once again.  I've been so focused on living a healthy lifestyle that I just don't think about updating my blog.

This is actually a good thing, because I'm way more settled into living the unschooling life.  Dodger still struggles with some things but over-all it's good.

So what's my main focus for 2007?  To unclutter all aspects of my life!  To pursue balance!  And find it!  And to get my damn schooling fished up!... I'm SOOOOO behind!  I need to go hyperspeed through some courses and then ask for an extention.  Oh, and I have to write a disertation!  ARGH!  I'd love to get my CNHP and just not have to do the disertation... I'm just not sure that I'll have the money or the time to do it.

Back to my focus on my health.  I've lost 14 lbs since September.  I even lost 4 lbs over the holidays.  I've eliminated sugar from my life and don't eat when I'm emotional.  That's sobriety for me.  For the next 4 weeks starting Monday, Jan. 1st, I'll be doing this workout program:  Get Lean and Sculpted in 4 Weeks Flat  It will be a challenge for me but that's what I'm after.