Friday, March 15, 2013

15 Things I've Learned About Selfless Living

I was a very selfish person for a very long time.  It's taken years to work through that and to live life from a selflessness that nurtures me as well as others.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, selfishness still rears it's ugly head now and then but it's easier to put back in it's place now.

Here's my list of "truths" I've learned along the way:
  1. If you want better friendships, be a better friend.
  2. If you want more love, love more.
  3. If you want more kindness, be kind.
  4. If you want a better connection with your spouse, then be with them as much as possible.
  5. If you want more help, be of help to others.
  6. If you want more peace, look inward and listen to the deepest part of your being.
  7. If you want more joy, be joyful.
  8. Happiness is always there, even in the sadness.
  9. The less you judge, the less you care that others judge you.
  10. Be yourself, always.  If you don't know who you are then make it a priority to find out.
  11. You are responsible for you, no one else.  Take control of your thoughts, your actions, and your words.  They matter more than you want to believe.
  12. Do not ask to be desired by others.  That only places your power in their hands.  If you have needs, then you are responsible for taking care of them.
  13. Don't expect anyone to read your mind.  If you need something of someone, you will have to open your mouth and ask.  Repeat as often as necessary.
  14. Sometimes a 2x4 helps get the point across.  Just kidding!  Learn to communicate.
  15. Life is what it is and it is what you make of it.  It will go on, with or without you, so be a part of it right now!  
My bonus truth... live in the moment, today!  Let go of the past and let go of the worries about tomorrow.  We have only now.  Do your very best in the NOW.

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