Wednesday, December 9, 2009

tossed and turned all night

I got up around 11:30 today. I went to bed at 2 but tossed and turned all night because I was so sore. I would get in a position and then the pain would wake me up. It went on like that all night long.

Once I got up, I read some emails and then decided to call Dodger around 12:20 to see when he would be home. I wanted to exercise before he got home. It's way too freakin' cold outside to go to the Y and I still wanted to exercise. Once I knew I had time I threw in the 3 mile Walk Away The Pounds tape and went to it. My left hip (that started bothering during my walk at the Y yesterday) was still hurting a bit and the back of my right knee still hurt so I didn't do it full out. I didn't want to over-do it and really hurt something. I did modified arms w/ 1 lb. weights. Dodger got home right around the time that I had 1/2 mile left in the workout. I almost got through the 45 min. workout before he got home. He made hamburgers for lunch while I finished up.

After I exercised I got all of Dancer's online orders done. She had gift cards to Game Stop and Best Buy PLUS her $50 from my grandma to buy whatever she wanted. She ordered the original Rock Band game and a Naruto game (used) from, a Naruto game (new) from, and the Rock Band Drums and Mic (new) from Turned out to only be just over $14 extra after her gift cards and $. I told her that we would cover the extra as a Christmas gift to her. I also got bonus points from BestBuy and a code from Amazon for ordering PLUS I used my Amazon Credit Card that gives me points towards an Amazon gift card. I love the extras that some of these places give. I should have checked MyPoints to see if ordering through them for BestBuy and GameStop would give me points for them but I forgot. I knew that they don't give points for ordering from Amazon.

We also got one of her Christmas gifts in the mail today. We just ordered a few nights ago, so I was surprised to get it so soon. I love businesses that run through Ebay. Lots of them sell at great prices and still run professional businesses. Oh, the gift is a ladies cut LA Dodgers jersey in white. Dodger is worried that it's too small... we got a ladies medium... but I assured him that it was fine. I even held up one of her medium t-shirts to it and it's roughly the same size. She'll have to wear a white tank underneath because the polyester it's made of is fairly thin and see-through. The tank will give her a little extra length. She could wear a Dodger-blue tank under it and have it open a bit, too.

We also order her the Santa gift she was talking about... a ladies cut LA Lakers jersey but it hasn't arrived yet. We got this one in purple because we thought the white one didn't really look like what the the team would normally wear and the yellow one is, well, yellow and she doesn't wear yellow much. She doesn't wear purple much either but she'd wear this because it's not girly.

My legs feel so much better after exercising. The hip and back-of-knee pain started to work itself out by the end of the workout and after stretching I feel so much better. I knew that working out and getting my muscles warmed up would help. I'm so glad I did it. I'm still sore but not nearly as much as I was last night and this morning. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight. I'd love to go get under the heated blanket on my bed but Dodger is taking a nap in there now.

Dancer has dance class tonight. I am NOT looking forward to going out in this cold weather. It is so cold that I will have to go inside the studio tonight. It's chilly in there, too, so I will need to take a blanket. It's so cold that we'll have to leave the water trickling in the faucets tonight. I don't know what we're going to do about the sump-pump that's out in the old kitchen sink drain hole. It's probably too stinky to bring inside and if we take it out to the garage the water on it's going to freeze anyway. It has a chance of freezing in the water anyway. We don't know how far down the water may freeze in the hole. It's not our sump-pump, so we don't want to ruin it but hey, here's another project that Dodger put of and thus screwing us in one way or another. He was supposed to have our drainage issues fixed and done months ago. I swear he needs a ball-bat to the head sometimes to knock some sense into him.

I'm getting a little computer time while Dodger is napping and before heading out to the dance studio. I think I'll go do some online surveys and check my email.

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