Thursday, May 16, 2013

Getting Back on Track

Oh, wow, the days got away from me.  This week has gone super quick and although I thought about blogging everyday, I just never forced myself to get around to it.  I have found that now that I'm back on Facebook that I'm not focusing well and tend to let myself get flighty.  There's something about Facebook usage that's very unconscious.  So I'll need to put a stop to the mindless usage.  That was one of the main reasons for taking a break from it in April.

I'm officially a week behind in my #BEDM posts.  I think I'm going to double up on the posts for the next week to get back on schedule.  The topics are interesting enough and I think they do make me touch on things about myself and my life that I might not ordinarily blog about.

I've been staying up too late and sleeping in until almost 11 everyday this week.  By the time I get up, eat, and get my workouts in, a lot of my normal blogging time is gone.  Again, it's something else I need to get back on track with.  I'm falling back into old habits.  Habits aren't easy to change.  The only person I'm hurting with not sticking to the new habits is myself.  I love to blog about my days and almost a whole week has been lost this week.  Those are days that I won't have a record of later.

I have been sticking to my workouts, though, and that's of extreme importance to me.  I have a weight goal that I plan to meet by Christmas this year.  So the extra long workouts each day are vital for me to fit in each day and they must be done early enough so that by the time Dodger gets home from work, they're done.  This way he can have the computer and TV after working hard and after such long days.

Just before dusk today, after showering after my workouts, I did some much needed yard work.  I picked up 3 piles of sticks in the front yard, swept the driveway, picked up another pile of sticks under the old swing set in the backyard, and then mowed the whole yard.  By the time I was done, my hair was soaked with sweat again and I had to take yet another shower before dinner.  I got a lot done and I always feel good after hard work.

Because I'm not an early riser, I always wait until just before dusk to do yard work.  I can't be in the sun very long because of the cream I use on my face and I try to stay out of it for any period of time anyway.  So I get just  a little bit of sunlight this way.

It's also starting to get hot here.  It's been in the high 80s for the past three days.  Two of those days, it hit 90.  I love, love, love the warm weather.  My muscles and joints move so much easier in the warm temps and I tend to breath easier, too. My seasonal affective disorder also disappears this time of year.  The winter blues fade away.

Right now, Dodger and I are watching a few movies on TV and just relaxing.  I need to get Dancer's study schedule loaded up and make sure I have our ducks in a row for her next term.  She has next week off and then she'll start Term 2 of her current Ambleside year.  I got most of it done before she started Term 1 twelve weeks ago but I know that there were some loose ends that I needed to finish up.

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