Friday, May 10, 2013

Dancing In the Rain

Sometimes I skip a day of blogging, not necessarily because I forgot but because I just didn't have anything to say and my day got away from me. By the time I could have gotten around to it last night, I just didn't want to.

Dodger can work... he has plenty of inside jobs right now but he has started to schedule in some of the outside jobs and he won't be able to do much with those until the rainy weather has passed.

Don't get me wrong, I like rain.  It makes everything grow and with two summers of drought here for the past two years, the extra rain is good for our local lake and water table levels.  It's just that it will eventually get in the way of the way we make our living and what goes on inside these walls is of first and foremost importance to me.

Last night, Dancer had full dress rehearsal for the Spring Dance Concert which starts this evening at 7pm.  She's at an age where I don't need to stay.  So I went in and paid for the DVD and for pictures and then I headed back home.  We're just across town (about 15-20 minutes, depending on the traffic and how I hit the lights), so it's no big deal to come back home when she's going to be there for hours.

I watched the rest of season 4 of Fringe on Netflix yesterday.  Now I have to hunt down season 5 online.  Hulu has about half of the season available.  I'll have to find the other half elsewhere.  Being that I'm busy using the desktop during the day for other things, I'll have to load them up on my slow-ass laptop a few nights coming up.  I tried watching one on my iPad Mini last night but only got halfway through it before it stopped loading.

Today, I am thrilled that someone on the Google chat boards finally posted the proper fix for the server error issues I've been having when trying to sign-up and into the Google Apps account that comes along with purchasing domain names through them.  I had issues with both this domain name last month, which never resolved itself, and a few days ago with my workout blog... which is what I was so stressed out over.  So I'm a happy camper because I was finally able to get access to my domain information for both sites and get my workout domain routed to my blog.  It should have done it automatically but with another error that popped up, it didn't do it so I had to go into my DNS settings and do it myself.

I had a fabulous workout today.  I loved both videos that I did and got my review done on the one that I hadn't previously done.

Now it's time to finish getting ready to head out to the first night of the dance concert.  Dodger and I are watching tonight with my dad and uncle Steve.  Dancer's in 7 dances, so Dodger won't be too bored sitting through the whole thing.

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