Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5 Lines of Dead Milkmen #BEDM

We went to the Phillie Pizza Company and ordered some hot tea
The waitress said "Well no, we only have it iced"
So we jumped up on the table and shouted "anarchy"
And someone played a Beach Boys song on the jukebox
It was "California Dreamin'" so we started screamin' "On such a winter's day"

This month, I'm doing a Blog Everyday In May challenge.  My friend Amanda shared it on her blog yesterday, that's how I found out about it.  I shared it with my friend JoAnn this morning and she's going to do it, too.  Today's "theme" is 5 Lines.  Dodger played this song on YouTube a few days ago and last night when I was wracking my brain with what to do for "5 Lines" I thought, what the heck, let's do 5 lines of a song and this song was still in my head... and these are my favorite lines in the song... so there you go.  ;)  Actually, I love this song.  I had this album in high school.  It just brings back good memories of crazy times with my crazy and awesome friends.  :)

Now... the rest of the story.

I had a rough night sleeping last night.  I think it was the headache that I've had since Monday night.  I can't wait for this front to move through so I can have my head back again.  At some point early this morning, I was awakened by who I thought was Dancer but as it turns out it was Dodger coming through my room to go to the bathroom.  The layout of our house really stinks.  You have to walk through my bedroom to get to the bathroom.  He must have woken up with a tummy ache because I found an empty bottle of the pink stuff in the sink earlier when I was doing the dishes and Dancer said it wasn't her that needed it.

After that, I couldn't get back to sleep because my brain wouldn't shut off.  I kept thinking about the "5 Lines" theme for the day.  Then after I came up with doing the Dead Milkmen song, then I started thinking of my high school time with Dodger and the silly videos we used to make with our friends Chris and Erin.  I wonder if he still has them.  I want copies!

Then I thought about how crazy it was that my mom let me go off almost every weekend to visit Dodger at college over an hour away, when I was a senior in high school.  There were no cell phones back then.  She must have been sick out of her mind but let me do it anyway because she knew how unhappy I was without him here.

Then I started thinking about Dodger dying before me and how unbearable that would be.  We're both getting close to 40 and for some reason we think a lot more about our mortality.  I told him over the weekend that I have to go first because I don't know how to live without him.  So, then I started crying.

Ahhhhh... so I got up... sometime before 7.  I checked in with a few friends on Facebook.  It's May 1st and my month-long Facebook break is over.  I will blog about my thoughts on that soon enough.  Then I did some laundry while Dodger was still sleeping.

By the time he was up and in the shower, I had decided to go to the grocery store.  I got there about 8:30 but it wasn't open yet.  Sigh.  So I filled time by dropping off 4 more PaperBackSwap book requests at the post office, stopping at a Walgreens to see if they had any more sandals in the style I wanted, and briefly walking through Dollar General to fill time (since it's right next door to Aldi) before Aldi's opened at 9.

I found the black and tans ones today.
I love the pink ones but I needed more colors.

When I got back from the store, I got the box fans out of the garage, got some windows open, and got the fans in the windows because it's another warm day here today.  Then put the groceries away.

Then I ate... then I exercised and did my reviews.  My feet were giving me fits today with the inserts in.  I just can't win.  I had to take one of them out before I was finished with my workout.

Dancer and I were supposed to go thrifting today because she needs shorts for summer.  But she's sore, so we didn't go.  I made her a birdie-egg pie for lunch and now I'm blogging.

That's my day so far.  I'm thawing out steak for dinner.  I hope Dodger is up to grilling tonight, depending on what time he gets home from work.  Steak tastes best grilled.

I can't wear these anymore.

I'm rockin' it!

Blog Every Day in May badge

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