Monday, January 31, 2011

I am bad...

A week? I can't believe I've let a week go by with no updates, no pictures, nothing... :( That makes me rather sad and disappointed in myself. So here I am at nearly 4am, typing from my Dancer's iTouch... this won't be a long post because, trust me, it's a PITA to type this way.

I sense I'm struggling with something and it's playing out in my inability to get to sleep. Too often lately I am not able to feel 'right' enough to fall asleep until between 4 and 5 am every 'night'. Sigh. I wish I knew what was going on with me.

I'm starting to feel hopeless again about too many things in my life. I also let outside things affect me too much.

I have still been snapping a picture or two everyday. I just need to get them edited and uploaded.

And here we are... it's now 4:01 am. :(

I supposed I should try and sleep now.


  1. I've missed you. Anything you want to talk about? unload? vent? I'm here for ya!

  2. i don't know what's wrong with me... i can't put my finger on it. maybe it's just that i'm sick of being stuck inside. i'm so ready for spring.

  3. I am thinking good thoughts for you. One month til March, that is what I keep telling myself.


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