Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Happy... Joy Joy

I awoke to the sound of the phone ringing next to me.  I guess I never put it back on the charger in the kitchen after talking with my dad last night.  So I franticly searched the side of my bed for where it was, looked at the caller ID... it said BEST BUY!... OMG!  So, of course I answered it!  Just as I answered, the answering machine kicked on {reminder... get the new digital answering system set up on your new phone} ... I had to ask them to hold on a second while the greeting played.  As soon as it was done... and during the beeps... the person on the other end of the line told me that my laptop was back!  I think I squealed.  LOL.

Trust me, I didn't wait long to get my ass out of bed, get cleaned up, and head out to pick up my very much missed laptop.  I also needed to pay the mortgage, so I did that while I was out, too.

What was wrong with it?  Well, they replaced the LCD screen.  How utterly stupid that a company can't even make a product that lasts more than a year... BUT I am so grateful that it went wonky while still under warranty.

I can't wait to post my 365 picture from today.  I got soooo lucky with this shot!  So, so lucky!

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