Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 2 ... well, well

So here I am, day 2 of being without my laptop and easy access to the world outside of my own. It hurts just a little less today. I didn't have any computer time at all today. I was actually gone most of the day. Dancer had her weekly homeschoolers tap class at the college studio today. Then a bit later she went to the evening tennis lesson to make up for a day that she missed two Fridays ago. Then right after that we met our friend Sarah and her girls at the pottery place to paint some pottery. I didn't end up painting anything because what I had my mind set on painting wasn't available.

I was finally able to sit in the lobby at the dance studio again. They started painting and remodling the place before Christmas and I could tell, through the windows, on Monday evening that the couches and chairs were back. I am so glad to not have to sit out in my truck anymore. Sometimes I'm there for two hours straight while the daughter is in classes and it was becoming pretty annoying to have to have my truck running nearly the whole time lest I freeze my butt off.

So today, since I accidentally left the iTouch at home, I started on my next book club read, 'A Country Year: Living the Questions' by Sue Hubbell. I love this bit that is quoted at the beginning of the book...

... Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves ... Do not ... seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will ... gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. {Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet}

I sent that as a text to Sarah right after I read it because I thought it was so lovely. She didn't 'get it'. Sigh. I 'get it' bright as day. :) I have to remember that Sarah is simple. I love that about her but she doesn't get real deep. She's never had a need to. See, she's like a duck... stuff just rolls off of her. Me, I'm more like a sponge... stuff soaks in, sloshes around, and takes work to wring out. :)

I think tomorrow I will work a little more on my household book. The dishes are also in dire need of being done. No one here likes to do them. We all think they suck. I miss my automatic dishwasher! I get really pissed when I think about how nothing is built to last for any period of time anymore. This whole consumer culture is so wasteful.

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