Saturday, January 16, 2010

What an exceptionally boring day

What an exceptionally boring day! If a day is going to be boring it might as well be exceptionally boring.

This morning I expected to wake up to my alarm set for 10 am so I could go pick my uncle up from detox at 11. As it turned out, he called me just before 9 (waking me up) to tell me they were releasing him as early as 9:30. Egad. After I got my bearings, I called the herb farm (more on why in a moment), threw on some clothes and headed out the door.

I did manage to get there right before 9:30 and he was already outside waiting. As soon as he got in the truck, I told him that the herb farm (it also sells much of what you would find at a small health food store) had some Mustard Flower Essence in stock and that it's been proven to lift mood. I was hoping that it would help him over the weekend till he sees the doctor on Mon. He was open to trying it so we went and got it. I also got a bottle for my family. I've struggled with depression since my teen years and Dodger and Dancer have bouts of the blues. As you know, if you've been reading here for any length of time that I've been taking St. John's Wort for mood for about 6 months now.

After we got out to my dad's, I ran him down to the ATM. He needed to pay me back for the flower remedy and a bit for gas money. After that I dropped him off at my dad's, took the death sled out of the extended cab of my truck. I left to head back into town to stop at the grocery store and he went down to the auto shop around the corner to pay for his car starter repair.

He sounded so much better today than when I picked him up on Mon. The convo between us came easier. I let him know I completely understood the crazy cycle of addiction and depression. I know he drinks to medicate himself from the depression. I know the lack of control he feels to not drink and the drinking itself contributes to the depression. I've lived it with food. I've lived the lies in my head and the self-loathing in my heart. I know all about it, it's not pretty and it's not fun.

We talked about my cousin Kim and his wife and their marriage. I had no idea they lived like they do. It's a broken situation and rather sad. She doesn't trust him and doesn't love herself and he doesn't stand up for himself even though she's spending them into the ground and he works 100 hour work weeks to pay for it. He might lose his job soon. The food company he works for is selling off the division he works in. Their kids are in school, so there's no good reason why she can't work to support her own spending.

The rest of my day has been super boring. I've realized how much I'm limited on this iPod. I want a laptop or netbook so bad. I am researching courses for my own personal self-study. Many of the courses are online. I want to study up on things that will make returning to college easier for me. There's no reason why I can't already know the subjects before taking the classes. I'll either rock the classes or be able to just test for credit without taking the courses.

There is absolutely nothing on TV on Sat nights. It's so frustrating. Hardly anyone was on Facebook tonight either. I guess I'll go back to my boring evening.

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