Saturday, January 2, 2010

We had a frozen pipe in the tub last night

Oh my gosh, I am so glad the chaos of the past two weeks is over! I've barely exercised and I haven't logged a day of food in over a week. Ugh.

It's so super cold here. We had a frozen pipe in the tub last night before I went to bed. We've been letting the water run a bit overnight but when I went to turn on the cold knob in the tub last night it was already frozen. Dodger got under the house today with our blow dryer and got the thing thawed out.

I've been vegging since getting up. My electric blanket is just way too comfy to get out from under for very long. I do need to go out and start my truck because this cold has been taking a bite out of my battery life. I also need to go sign Dancer up for golf lessons that start Mon. evening. I will probably wait till tomorrow to sign her up.

I told her last night that we probably won't be doing co-op classes this semester because of cost. We can't afford co-op, golf, tennis and the extra expense of dance costumes right now. Something has to go. It's a big bummer because she was really looking forward to the classes. I feel bad because this is the first time we haven't been able to afford for her to do something that she's really interested in doing. I feel extremely guilty because if I had not quit my job I doubt that there would be an issue with this.

It's at times like this that I get really angry concerning money. I just want to cuss out the people who are gallivanting around with no money lack at all. I see people on Facebook talking about booking trips or getting a new laptop because of a Christmas bonus and I just want to scream. I'm not happy for them at all. I really want to tell them to shove it.

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