Monday, January 11, 2010

2 fried ice creams

Sunday Dancer and I went to dinner with my mom and step-dad for my birthday. We went to the little Mexican restaurant by the old Circuit City. I love Mexican food and this restaurant has the BEST pico de galo. Yum yum yum.

Mom had them make 2 fried ice creams to take back to her place after dinner. Once we got back to her place I opened a gift from them. I got a cute scarf, some kitchen utensils, a cute thin wallet that matches the cool purse that I found at the thrift store last month, a Best Buy gift card, and a little cash that my mom insists that I use on myself and not Dancer.

We spent the evening playing Wii Sport Resort games. We all played and had a great time. My arms are sore today from playing the rowing race game. I got to blow out candles on cupcakes and we ate them with the fried ice cream. The fried ice cream was so good.

After we got home last night I cleaned my room up and folded my clothes. I haven't hung them up yet but at least they aren't in a pile on my bed anymore. I also sent an email to Dancer's dance instructor (also my former dance instructor) to ask if any other adults were signed up for the adult ballet class. It's been over 2 years since I've been in class. I quit because my weight was getting out of control. Now that taking care of myself and losing weight, I want to get back into class. I've missed it. This is what I'm spending my birthday money on. I'm scared, for sure. Weight wise I'm still not where I want to be. I don't know how much ballet I actually remember or if my body can even do what it could just a few years ago. I tried on my one and only leotard just a bit ago. It fits, so I have no excuses to not register.

I had to pick my uncle up from the detox/rehab center today. I drove him back out to my dad's this afternoon. He bought me a little gas on the way to compensate for driving him out there. When we got there my dad was close to heading out to work, so I was able to say hi and chat a bit.

I picked up a movie from the Redbox to watch tonight with a free code. The regular price of $1 per movie per night is awesome but free is better. Redbox isn't passing out the free codes as often so I try to take advantage of it when they do.

Dancer is at her golf lesson right now. I am finishing up this blog post that I started earlier. I just emailed a friend to let her know that we would love to go sledding with her and the kids on Wed and I just got off the phone with my dad, I was asking him if we could borrow the sled and snowboard.

While I'm waiting I'll read this week's guidance and helps in "One Year to an Organized Life" by Regina Leeds. The WiFi here doesn't let me on Facebook. I'll have to catch up with everyone there later.

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