Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm really looking for a good memoir to read

It took me till the beginning of this week to get back into the habit of logging my food everyday. There have been a few days where I went over my budget but I logged everything.

Now I need to get back into the habit of blogging daily again. Every day this week I've thought about blogging but just never did it.

There hasn't been a great deal new around here. My uncle went into detox a few days ago. He did it so he could get into the program offered here for addiction. He's struggled with alcoholism off and on for as long as I've been alive.

I've been feeling like a failure because I don't have the money for Dancer to take co-op classes this semester. A dear online friend sent me some money that will cover 1 class and part of the registration fee (which is really my part of the rent fee we pay to the church where the co-op is held). I'm hoping to get a few $ for my birthday this week that may cover another class and hopefully the 3rd class she wants to take.

I haven't started exercising again yet. I'm out of the habit and it's just damn cold here. I can tell I'm struggling with a bit of the blues from the weather, being unable to get out, not seeing my friends in forever, and worrying and getting angry about money. I'm still taking my St. John's Wort daily. I need to get back to exercising. It helped to elevate my mood and my sense of well-being.

I did take a trip to the library on Tues. to return the movies I checked out a few weeks ago. Dancer didn't want to go with me so I went by myself. I picked up 5 more DVD's, one VHS movie, and a few books. The books I picked out are "Living Buddha, Living Christ" by Thich Nhat Hanh and "One Year to an Organized Life" by Regina Leeds. I've gotten further in the organization book because it's set-up to work through from the beginning of the year. I know I can't check it out for the entire year but I can renew it once and that will get me 2 months time with it. I figure I can scan the next month if need be and then check it out again or I hope to find it on Paper Back Swap.

I'm really looking for a good memoir to read. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I'd prefer memoirs by women.

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