Monday, January 18, 2010

Sledding by himself, yes

I need to get this post in before the battery life on this iPod runs out.

Today was like most normal days in my life. I got up earlier than expected. I played some more on my new blogs which I love. Then sometime around noon I thought I heard a vehicle in my drive. When I looked outside I saw that it was my uncle, the one I've picked up twice from detox in the past week. I hate drop-in visitors with no phone call. I don't care if you are calling me from my drive way, I want a phone call. You just never know what state of dress or undress anyone is in.

So, I asked if he wanted to come in for a bit. Before I opened the door I popped my head into Dancer's room to tell her to put on some clothes. She's always hanging out in just her bra and lounge pants. OMG, he smelled so bad. Like seriously bad. He smelled like hard-core cigs mixed with alcohol. He said he had just come from the detox place, I think he had an out patient thing. But I could tell he had already been drinking, he slurred a bit and had drinkers hiccups.

He said he came to get the snow sled because he was going to go sledding. Sledding by himself, yes. He talked for a bit with Dancer. I talked for a bit till I could no longer stand the smell and turned back to continue working on the computer. He didn't stay much longer after that. He asked if we wanted to go sledding. We didn't really want to but even if we had I wouldn't have gone with him in the state he was in.

Before he even left the driveway, I was on the phone with my dad letting him know uncle Steve had just stopped by to get the sled to go sledding by himself, that he ubber stunk and that I swore he was drinking already that morning. Dad said he's been getting on uncle to shower. I guess it's been who knows how long since he's washed his body and hair. That most likely goes for his teeth, too, but we didn't talk about that. Dad said uncle had some sort-of appointment or meeting to go to at 4. I figured the sledding must have been a way to pass the time so he wouldn't waste gas running back and forth. After he left, I had to spray the area where he was in my living room down with Dodger's cologne.

The rest of my evening has been filled with running Dancer to golf lessons, making dinner, and watching a little TV. Most of the time I've been on the iPod either posting on Facebook or looking for cool stuff on the web.

Well, I'm at 10% battery power. Time to hit send on this app.

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