Wednesday I took the kids (I'm watching Sarah's son, he's 9, for her while she's at work... he'll be in school in a few weeks, so I'll finally get to sleep in a bit... her girls have a sitter but she didn't have anyone to watch her son, and then my hours changed at work so I offered to watch him for her... for free... wouldn't you do that to help out a good friend?... anyhow, back to the point) to the Children's Museum, they had a great time playing for a few hours. I need to remember to take a book next time, so I can get my *play* time in, too.
Thursday was their last day of swim lessons (though Dancer will be taking them through the fall and winter at the Y... lessons for homeschoolers). Dancer's Butterfly stroke has gotten so much better... she was doing a few too many wave movements with her body in between strokes and this last instructor actually did her job and corrected her. Her diving has also improved tremendously. She's been doing a great job keeping her legs together when she hits the water.
Thursday night was Family Swim night at the pool, so Sarah and I took the kids and had some fun. We did some laps in the pool to stay warm (the water was quite chilly, it had rained earlier and cooled off). I had Dancer show me how to do the Breast stroke, though I didn't try it because I had my glasses on (I'm about blind without them... I sure would love to have lasik surgery done!)
Friday night, Dancer went to a "Kids Night Out" at the Children's Museum. Three hours of fun without parents. :) I had to work anyway, so it worked out to give her something to do instead of the same ol' thing at home. She's still asleep (yea, for sleeping in) so I haven't had a chance to ask her if she had a good time and talk about all that she did. Dodger said she was in a good mood when he picked her up, so we think she enjoyed herself.
I looked through some of the stuff she brought home. I can tell that they did a bit of hands-on study of Forensic Science. She's got fingerprint cards, a magnifying glass, a paper that shows fingerprint shapes, and some finger print powder (with instructions for using tape to lift the prints). I LOVE FORENSIC SCIENCE! I have watched every show ever on TV having to do with the subject. Dancer has lately been watching them with me (since I no longer have TV limits and rules). We discuss how people can do some really horrible things but how cool it is that they can be brought to justice with such microscopic evidence such as fingerprints, hair and trace fibers.
Today Dancer is headed to the state fair with my mom and step-dad. She loves the carnival rides. I'm sure she'll have a great time. I'm looking forward to a day of domestic duties of my choosing and then I work again this evening. I am so happy with the new work hours and only doing Ad set now... no more stocking for me! :)
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