Sunday, January 29, 2023

Just a Day

Sarah and I met at the book barn yesterday morning. I ended up buying nearly $100 worth of books...42 books; most of them being $1 a piece. She brought me two more books--Wild at Heart and Captivating by John Eldredge--that she purchased for me. So, obviously I came home with a lot of books yesterday, and now I need to find room for them on my bookshelves.

She treated me to Korean food for lunch. I had bibimbap. Oh wow, it was amazing! So amazing, in fact, that I ended up taking Dodger there for dinner and dessert after we went to the 5p church service. It was our first time back at church in maybe three months or so. Many Saturday evenings, we've had something scheduled to do and have been unable to go. Other Saturdays, we've just been hanging out at home and trying to recuperate from our week.

I'm glad we went. It was a fine time and a good message. We've never been church-goers as a couple. However, since the separation and all that, things have changed for us. We're doing things differently, including establishing some sort-of spiritual guidance and grounding in our lives. Like I told Sarah a few weeks ago, "We spent 30 years of our relationship without God, and look where it got us."

Do you know, the Program of OA led me back to God? My step partner and I were talking about that Saturday when we spoke. She said the same thing happened for her. I don't know "what " God is, and truly, it doesn't matter in order for God to be the Source of strength in my life and recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a lot of books. That should keep you busy.
    If you get a chance you should read my testimony under the header picture. Putting God first in our marriage brought us back together.


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