Saturday, October 9, 2010

Library Tour

Wednesday, along with some fellow homeschoolers, we went to an informative talk and took a tour of the city library.  We learned all about the Dewey Decimal System, then had an extensive tour of the children's and young adult departments.  We also learned all about the online databases and the best way to search the library system's catalog of holdings.

I thought I knew nearly everything about our library but I ended up learning some new things that will be very helpful to us.  I didn't know that our library had access to the EBSCO Database.  The librarians showed us how to use the microfilm and while we were touring the children's department, I found out where all of the folklore was shelved.  I ended up checking out about 10 books of Japanese folklore from that section.

We updated Dancer's library card so that she can now check out anything from the library.  Their age for an adult card is 13 and Dancer is 14 now.  I had them set-up online access for her and while we were checking out, I also found out that the library baskets can be checked out, too.  That made it a whole lot easier to carry all of those books home.

The morning started out pretty rough, since Dancer really didn't want to get up so early.  We did the apple orchard trip the day before, so that made an early morning two days in a row.  But she got to see and hang-out with some friends and she learned some new things about our library.  She was fine and was glad we went by the time it was all over.

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