Thursday, April 15, 2010

harboring deep hidden love for someone else

Sometimes you swear you could get knocked over by a feather.  How does someone go through hell and back with their spouse ... swear by an active sex life ... and then end up harboring some deep hidden love for someone other than their spouse?  Wild... I am truly shocked and I rarely get shocked. [Dena]

As for me, I enjoy the ups and downs of my relationship with Dodger.  Sometimes we go through rough spots... we've been through our own hell and back, for sure... but over-all we've only grown more attached and more in-love with each other in the nearly 19 years of being together.  I still love the times when we obviously have the butterflies towards each other but I don't linger on those times wishing they would return.  I know they will.  It's just part of the ebb and flow.  :)

The food logging has been going well this week.  I've logged everyday... even if I went over my budget on those days.  I look forward to my weigh-in on Monday.

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