Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Top 10 Roadblocks to Your Success

Success means different things to different people. Success takes time, planning and a strong desire. Success is taking action. Success is setting goals and accomplishing them. Success means reaching your goals even when the going gets tough.

There will be challenges along the way. Here are ten potential roadblocks to look out for:

1. No clear vision
The clearer your vision is of your definition for success, the faster you will achieve it.

2. Fear of failure
Don't let worry, fear and uncertainty hold you back from reaching your full potential. Eliminate the Bummer Words - no, never, can't, won't, maybe and if.

3. Lack of determination
Turn challenges into a problems that need to be overcome. Don't let a challenge become a stopping point on your path to success.

4. No action plan
Write a detailed, step-by-step plan of how you will achieve your success. Include a timetable for completion, and place the written strategy where you can read it, every day.

5. Change
You will have to make adjustments in your life to focus on reaching the success you want. For example: What current priorities on your time will have to be changed? Are you surrounded by people who can help you succeed?

6. Negative thinking
Everyone has some self-doubt. However, these two questions will help you. Ask yourself everyday: 1. Did I give my best effort to today's activities? 2. Did I move closer to reaching my goals?

7. Lack of enthusiasm
Be the day's cheerleader. All days are good; some are better than others. You will find enthusiasm is contagious; give some to others.

8. Procrastination
You can have the best plan in the world, but if you don't take action on it you simply have a dream. Are self-motivated, or do you need external motivation from someone else? Determine which method of motivation works for you. Take action.

9. Making excuses
Take personal responsibility for your success by eliminating excuses. Avoid blaming others for your lack of effort.

10. Learn from your mistakes
Everyone makes them. Successful people learn extremely valuable life lessons from their mistakes.
These roadblocks can actually become stepping stones to your success. How? By identifying which ones are holding you back from reaching your goals, and diligently working to eliminate them.
This is Your Life! Your Goals! Your Success!

Ideas for Implementation:
  • Highlight one potential roadblock and work for one week to turn in into a positive.
  • Continue the process through the entire list, each week highlighting a new potential roadblock.
  • Repeat as needed. Please visit for more life skills ideas to help children succeed.
Reprinted with permission.

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