Saturday, June 8, 2013

I Got Up Off the Couch... and I'm Getting Stuff Done!

Since I'm still trying to figure out what to do with myself today, I thought I'd work on a blog post.  It's been a week since I last posted and I've resigned myself to the realization that for the time being, once a week is most likely as often as I'll be posting.  I've been keeping busy with doing work on outside projects daily and it actually takes more thought and energy to put up a blog post than it does to just throw on my work clothes and gloves and head outside for some hard work.

Right now, It's too sunny to pull off siding.  I don't like to be in the sun very long.  Until the garbage comes on Tuesday, I can't really pick up any more shingles because I'm out of old 5 gallon paint buckets to fill up.  I could fill up more grocery bags, though. I don't yet have a blade for my sawzall, so I can't cut up any of the old wood roofing.

Here are some pictures of what I've been working on all week...

A small pile of shingles bagged up in grocery bags.
They are just too jagged and heavy to put into garbage bags, as is.

More trash and bagged shingles piling up and ready to set out on the curb for Tuesday's trash pick-up.

All of the clear space was covered with old shingles and wood.
Got even more done.

Some of the old wood from the roof.
The neighbor behind me needs to do some work, too!

The space behind my garage is now clear.
Remember what it looked like a few weeks ago?
The space back here it perfect for a garden!

The mess of branches I cleared from what was hanging over into my yard from the back neighbor's yard.

The mess along the side of the garage that still needs cleaned up.
Dodger pulled off some siding on the side of the house to get me started.
I have pulled off more since this picture was taken.

Dancer's summer activities started this week, so I'm back to running her around 3-4 nights a week.  We're both glad that tennis was offered in the evening as well as the morning this summer.  Neither of us are morning people and it worked out that she was free to do Monday evening's lessons.

I've been working a few hours every day getting our property cleaned up.  I've even managed to keep up the cleaning inside the house at the same time.  When I first started in on the garage this week, I felt very overwhelmed but then I remembered that line that you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.  So I just started in, did what I could, and have been working daily to conquer the mess.

Time and consistency conquers just about every problem.  We've got to do something differently if we want different results.

Dancer is out golfing with my dad this afternoon.  Dodger is at work.  I'm going to throw on my work clothes and gloves and head outside to see what I can do today.

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