Thursday, February 14, 2013

Missing My White Space

Don't get me wrong... I love technology and what it's brought into my life but there's a downside to it and it's been bothering me lately. I think back to the time before AOL brought the whole world to my fingertips and I wonder how I filled my days.

What did I do in my free time? There was a ton more white space in my life then. Time to daydream and make plans. Time to go out and explore nature and soak up some sun. Now, it seems, I'm always connected to somewhere or someone online. Being constantly connected has only gotten easier over the years, with WiFi and mobile options, so many of us, more often than not have our face glued to some sort of machine.

I just miss the times when my brain had time to relax and I wasn't always searching for something new to do, or join, or learn, and I could just be alone with my thoughts... in the white space of my life.

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