Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Math Fan

I love my math teacher. I must find out if she teaches any higher level math at RCC. I want her for the rest of my math classes!

Now to do my math homework while it's fresh in my mind from class tonight.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

There's Something in the Water

I've noticed something "off" about the tap water in the past few days. Our water has a weird chemical smell and taste now, and I've noticed the same thing with the water at RCC.

It's disgusting! I'm so frustrated with it. I hope it doesn't last long. I've noticed it for going on a few days now... I think Monday is when I first noticed.

I've never had an issue with the taste of the tap water here... until the past few days.

The Purge

In discussing stuff today and seeing a fabulous post on cool and interesting minimalists... while starting to feel the strain of less time and too much stuff still in my own possession... I feel the need to purge... LIKE.RIGHT.FREAKIN.NOW. So all of the books on the top shelf that were listed on PaperBackSwap are going to the library donate box this afternoon.

Kept only 3 items off the shelf... it was completely full earlier today.