Monday, May 3, 2010

I love my Mondays

After taking all of last month to really focus on my house cleaning, I'm ready to start adding exercise back into my daily life.  I also want to start a small garden this year.  I don't know if that's going to happen yet.  I still have yet to get my hubs to go and get the lumber that I need for a sq-ft garden.

I love my Mondays.  There's nowhere we have to go on Mondays right now.  Starting in June Dancer will have summer dance on Monday evenings but only for the month of June.  I might take lessons, too, I haven't decided yet.  It all comes down to what we can afford.

It will be time to register for all of the summer activities soon.  Dancer has decided what she wants to take and I have them all down on the calendar now.  I think it's just the right amount of activities, just like the balance we have now.  Summer swim lessons have been replaced with summer dance lessons.  She is good at all of the swim strokes but never wanted to take it further into swim team.  It's just not her thing even though she was so good at it.  The only summer activity that goes into August is golf.  Her summer activities cost nearly $400 but we'll have that cost covered when we get our tax refunds back.  The cost of her activities also help me out at tax time with a credit on our state income taxes.

Lately she's been getting into graphic design.  I need to be looking for a decent computer program that will give her more to play with than just Paint and the other free stuff that she finds online.  I suppose I could get her a yearly subscription to Picnik.  I think I've told her about BigHugeLabs but I'm not sure.  It's neat to see her pick up similar interests to mine.  I love playing around with graphic design and website/blog building.  She picked it up, too, but I don't think I really had much influence on that, it's just something she's interested in.

I've been looking for free online courses to further my knowledge of HTML/CSS and website/blog design, so I might feel more comfortable branching out and doing freelance work for other people.  I love doing it as a hobby for myself and for friends but I'd love to take it to the next level.  I prefer designing blogs over actually having to fill content.

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