"Each day that we live well, we are well." - Voices of Recovery, p. 50
It was an early morning with Mya coming over (President's Day--no school). I went to bed at midnight but couldn't sleep past 6am. So I'm pooped out and in a lot of pain from work tonight.
I got grouchy when I got home because (1) Dodger had come home from work before 3pm (while we were bowling) and went to sleep on my bed, which meant that I didn't have a chance to put the sheets on the bed before work, and (2) the dishes weren't done and there were pans in the sink. I've asked that the dishes not be put in the sink so when the sink needs to be used, stuff isn't in the way.
I'm seriously going to put the FlyLady program to use but I see it's going to take some time for it to become a habit for Dodger and Dancer.
It just pissesme off that he'll bitch about the house but not do the simple things I ask to keep stuff clean. He's a bigger slob than he thinks he is.
It's 1:40am on the 20th and I'm pooped. Going to finish the OA reading for today and go to bed. My nice clean bed with my nice clean sink in the other room!