I have had this pressing pain in my jaw and temples for over a week now. It's making me a little worried. I don't know if maybe I'm clenching my jaw in my sleep or not. Maybe this is stemming from my upper-back and shoulder/neck issues. I just don't know.
What I do know is that today, it's rainy outside and I am having a sinus-pressure headache on top of what's already going on with my face and it's making me in a horribly bitchy mood. I'm trying so hard to not be bitchy but I'm on edge and it's so hard to let the little crap just bounce off me.
I have taken some sinus medicine and it will hopefully give me some relief. I'm sure that a few drinks and a date night with my hubs will help me feel better, too. Then there's always Downton Abbey on later this evening. I'm totally in-love with that show.