Wednesday, February 27, 1991


life is only what you make of it
it is only what you want it to be
don't blame anyone else for your
problems or mistakes
they are only as big as you make them
take advantage of what you are given
the first chance may be the last
if you try you will succeed
you are only given only one life
don't waste it
don't look back years from now
and wish you had done it differently

Tuesday, February 26, 1991


mental turmoil
comes death

for love
I would die
for hate
I would scream

for you

Bleed for You

do I love you
yes I do love you
am I in love with you
yes I'm in love with you
could I live without you, yes
do I want to live without you, no

I chose you over all the others
that makes you the most special
in the world, I guess
you have grown in me, you are in me
you have shown me things I had never known

I do not speak for fear you do not love me

do not go on
let me have the courage to speak
if you love me give me that courage

I bleed for you
I am torn

Wednesday, February 20, 1991


have you forgotten
how you said you loved me

I know you think
I've found someone else
it's not true
I'm sure I could never love anyone
but you

you are on my mind
night and day
but I'm never sure
what it is I should say

I love you
I need you
I want you

so would you please tell me
how you feel about me

Thursday, February 7, 1991

Give Up

to give up a lover
is one of the hardest things to do
I am constantly reminded
that he is not there
I still love him
I always will
but I had to do it
for me
giving up a lover
is so hard
so hard to do

Wednesday, February 6, 1991


so what am I worth
can you answer me that
see I don't know
can you please tell me
could you buy me with money
am I priceless
I really need to know
will I ever feel
that I am worth something