Tuesday, November 27, 1990


who do you think you are
telling me what to do
I have a mind
I don't need you

I'm sick of you
I'm sick of life
fuck you all

I don't need you
I can fend for myself
but you lock me up like I can't think

life I said
I'm sick of you
I'm sick of life
fuck you all one more time

Friday, November 23, 1990


I am a selfish person
I try to think about others
but it all comes back to is
what it will do for me
is everybody like this
I hope I'm not alone
is it wrong to be selfish
I hope it's not
when we were young
we were taught not to be
but I must be honest
were were taught to be
I am a selfish person

Thursday, November 22, 1990

That Age

I wonder what it feels like to be
that age
I had forgotten what it was like to be
that age

just starting to care
I wonder
I think
I don't know anymore

how difficult is it to be
that age

why do we have to grow older
start to think about the problems of life

it's not fair
why must we have to
I want to go back

back to the time when there was no care
just wonder

I hate it all