Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day and Birthday

Yesterday I had the same issue with waking up even though I was in bed before 1:30. I think I crawled out of bed around 10:30.

Dancer wasn't up until another hour after that. She's been staying up to watch TV after getting in bed for the night. She enjoys watching Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Dodger slept most of the day and I got tons done on the computer. My blog is set up to post till Sat. Sat and Sun have a few items ready but there's still more to do. I wonder how long it will take for it to start bringing in an income. I know there are more things to get into to make $ with my blog but I'm still learning the ropes. Readership is also key to this, too. I need to find out what to do to bring my readership up. I'd like to get my readership up here, too, but without titles on my posts I'm less than SEO optimized.

Dancer went to dance last night after missing two Wed. in a row. She's been wearing her knee brace in class again which has helped. I don't know why she hadn't been wearing it. Maybe she thought she was okay again.

When we got home, I watched SYTYCD results, Criminal Minds, and Biggest Loser: Where Are They Now having taped them while we were gone at dance. I still haven't caught up on DWTS finale from Tues. or CSI: NY from last night. Unfortunately I heard who won DWTS on the radio but I still want to see the show. There's never anything on TV on Sat. night, so I'll catch up on things then.


Today was the same struggle to get out of bed. Both Dancer and Dodger were up and in the shower before I got up. I think I was up around 10:30 again. Dodger was in the shower when I got up. I spent a few minutes checking my email and doing a few entries online. I'm trying to win a computer. Desktop or laptop, I don't care. I just need my own computer. I'd prefer a laptop but I'm not going to complain if I win a desktop.

I got in the shower after Dodger. I didn't have much time to get cleaned up but it doesn't take me long. We were all out the door on time for lunch with my dad. We're actually here now but he doesn't have WiFi so this won't be sent till later when we are out at my aunt/uncle's house (they have WiFi). We're going there instead of my grandparents place. Just a change of venue, same family members.

Dancer and my dad have been playing on the Wii since lunch. Lunch was good. I love the stuffing casserole my dad made. I've never had anything like it. I'm going to have a piece of pie here shortly since we'll be headed out in about an hour. Dodger is napping. What do you wanna bet that he stayed up all night again last night?

I'm not sure what we're having for dinner. We are there more as a celebration for my grandma's birthday, which was yesterday, than for Thanksgiving. I suspect there will be more Wii play out there and a few board games. We normally play card games here at my dad's but it just didn't work out that way today.

Dodger drove himself separately since Dancer and I will probably stay longer than he wants to.

Time for pie...

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