Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Want to Leave Facebook... So Freakin' Bad

I've gone through times before where I considered leaving Facebook in the dust and never looking back but I've always stayed because it is the one place on the internet where I can have all of those special people in my life that I've met over the years, both offline and online, in one place and can keep in touch with them.  Lately, though, I've been heavily considering following through with leaving.  Sometimes Facebook can be the most unhealthy, narcissistic place on the internet.  Dodger would say that the whole thing is very... "Look at me, look at me."  Sometimes I really hate being there.  The only thing currently keeping me there are a few handfuls of people on my friend list.  I just can't get past leaving my instant access to their awesomeness behind.

So my solution has been to really think about how I use my Lists, Notifications, and News Feed.  Adjustments are currently being made in how I use Facebook.  I'd love to say it's not personal, but it is.  Some people on my friends list really annoy me and I no longer want to see their posts in my News Feed.  Sometimes I don't feel comfortable posting updates to my whole friends list, so I use my Lists options to only show those posts to certain friends.  I've turned off almost all of my Notifications because, well, just because I didn't want so many anymore.

It's either make these adjustments or leave.  So for right now, I'm choosing the former.

Update 1:  Pace and Kyeli's newest post is unbelievably timely.  I totally love their blog.  I'm embedding their newest message below.

Update 2: Now I know the Universe is speaking to me because Jodi Chapman's newest blog post is about unplugging from the online world.

Update 3:  A full-fledged Facebook break is now in session for the month of April.  It remains to be seen if and when I will ever go back and what those terms will be.

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